Fenstanton is a mixed Bowls Club founded in 1938 and is affiliated to Bowls England,the English Bowling Federation (EBF) and the Huntingdonshire Bowling Federation (HBF) together with the corresponding women’s organisations (EWBF and HCWBF).  It is also registered as a Community Amateur Sports Club.  It is situated about half way between Cambridge and Huntingdon and within about 3 miles from the town of St Ives and 2 miles from the village of Hilton.

It is an active club having teams in the Huntingdonshire Bowling Federation men’s and women’s leagues and mixed teams in the Over 60’s League and Cambridge & District League as well as a programme of weekend friendly matches. We play around 125 matches during the season and meet on Thursdays at 10.00am for Social Bowls which is open to members and non members so come along and have a go! Bowls are available, the only requirement is to have flat shoes to wear on the green.  Coffee/Tea and biscuits at 11.00am! No charge for non-members for first two sessions (including refreshments).

New members are always welcome. For details on how to contact us visit our Contacts page which also contains information about how to find the Club.